Can Your Body Only Absorb 30 Grams Protein At A Time? [2024] - CaronWhaley

Can Your Body Only Absorb 30 Grams Protein At A Time? [2024]

People often come to me asking, Hey bro, Do you know how much protein our body can absorb at a time?  2024

  • I’m on a calorie surplus diet, Can I have more than 30 grams protein in a meal?
  • Can I have more than one scoop of whey at a time?
  • Is too much protein in a meal harmful?
  • Does eating extra protein makes you fat?

If you also have these questions or doubts in mind, Don’t worry we’ll discuss everything and solve all the doubts around these questions.

I often eat meals that have more than thirty grams of protein. For example, my breakfast includes one and a half scoops of whey protein, yogurt, oats, beans, eggs, etc.

All these ingredients are protein-rich and their combined protein value is more than 35 grams. So, Am I eating too much protein?

Hell no!

Before talking about protein absorption, let’s discuss what is protein synthesis.

Protein synthesis is a natural protein in which the body produces the protein to repair the muscles damaged caused by intense weight exercises or workouts.

After a workout or physical activity, Our body’s Protein synthesis is way higher than the normal level. That’s why it is told that our body absorbs more protein after an intense workout.

Can Our Body Absorb More than 30 Grams Protein in a Meal?

Let me explain.

First of all, Protein absorption or protein synthesis depends on various factors. Protein absorption depends on

  1. The amount of Workout You’re Doing
  2. Age
  3. Gender
  4. Body weight
  5. Muscle Maturity Level
  6. Overall Diet
  7. Quality of Protein

Factor 1 

In a study done in 2016, scientists asked two groups of people (one of the groups was training only one body part at a time and the other group was training the whole body)

According to the study, Scientists found that people who trained their whole bodies in the workout tend to absorb 22% more protein than those who trained certain body parts like biceps, legs, or the chest.

Also, Read- Kirkland Protein Bars Review – Best Costco Protein Bar? [2024]

Factor 2 

Protein absorption also depends on Age-

As you grow older, your body requires more protein to stimulate muscle protein synthesis fully. So, you need more protein per meal for proper muscle development. In this scenario, your body can absorb more than 30 grams of protein per meal.

Typically, kids under 15 can’t absorb too much in a single meal, that’s why it is recommended multiple meals complete the protein requirements.

Factor 3 

Gender. Typically protein requirements in males are way higher than in females. Adult males and females have apparent differences in muscle mass that’s why protein requirements in both genders are different.

An adult male needs more protein to maintain muscle mass as compared to females.

However, there is a certain situation where a female needs more protein, such as pregnant women need way more protein than they were not.

Factor 4

Body weight.

It is undeniable that the more your body weight is, Your TDEE will be higher and you will have to consume more calories to full fill your TDEE.

According to a study, Younger people need 0.4 grams of protein per body weight to fully stimulate the muscle, and older people need 0.6grams of protein per kg body weight to fully stimulate muscle protein synthesis.

For example– A 13-year-old kid who weighs around 50kg needs at least 20grams(50*0.4 = 20) of protein per day to fully stimulate muscle protein synthesis. Where a 25 years old adult who weighs around 70 kg needs a minimum of 42 grams(70*0.6) of protein every day for proper muscle protein synthesis.

In short, protein requirement is directly proportional to body weight. If you’re an active athlete involved in strength-related sports such as weight lifting, powerlifting, etc. You’ll have to consume 1.5-2 times the protein of your body weight.

Factor 5 

Muscle maturity comes from several years of training and workouts. Matured muscles are much more able to contract and work efficiently than the muscles of a beginner.

It’s obvious that a person working out for over a long period of time can digest or take more protein per meal than a newbie who is not used to eating a high level of protein regularly. Muscle maturity comes into adulthood after years of training.

Mature muscles are denser, have more percentage of muscle fiber, leaner with fewer fatty cells.

Factor 6

Overall Diet.

Diet is the most important factor when it comes to muscle building or fat loss. A balanced diet consists of three main things, protein, carbs, and fats. If your meal has a higher quantity of fat then the absorption of protein and carbs will be slow. Fat slows down the absorption of other nutrients.

That’s why it is recommended to have a diet with low fats when you need a high carb or protein to replenish the muscle glycogen instantly.

Factor 7

The quality of protein is the last factor I want to talk about. Since there are so many varieties of protein and they all have different characteristics.

Talking about the biological value, whey protein is the best quality protein among all the protein sources it’s biological value and absorption rate are very higher compared to other food sources.

So, if you take or consume 30 to 40 grams of whey, you can easily digest around 30gms without any extra effort. That’s why fitness people all over the world massively use whey protein.


So these are the few things I wanted to talk about. I hope you get the idea of protein absorption. I answered a few of the most asked questions on the internet regarding protein absorption. If you still have any doubts, you can ask them in the comment section, I’ll be happy to answer.

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