How To Make A High Protein Diet Plan by Yourself? [2024] - CaronWhaley

How To Make A High Protein Diet Plan by Yourself? [2024]

t’s been more than two years since I started writing about nutrition, diet plan, supplements, etc. Hundreds of people have asked me to make a high-protein diet plan for them, and most people still find it hard to manage the macros, and supplements in their diet. That’s why I decided to write this blog post.

This blog post will help you make a high-protein diet plan yourself, whether you want to make a diet plan for fat loss or muscle gain, and it will work for both purposes. 

Why Do You Need A High Protein Diet Plan? 

Make a Diet Plan By Yourself

Protein is an essential nutrient for everyone, and it helps you build muscles and take care of your hair, skin, and other organs. If you’re into bodybuilding or training to bulk up, your body needs at least protein 2x of your body weight.

Now, the question comes how do I adjust my carbs and fat intake, so I don’t overeat or undereat?

High Protein Foods You Can Use

  • Chicken Breasts
  • Egg Whites
  • Whey Protein
  • Soya Chunks
  • Cottage Cheese
  • Yogurt
  • Tofu
  • Chickpeas
  • Lentils

These protein-rich foods are enough to cover your daily protein requirements.

Now, What? 

The next step is to count your TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure).

To calculate TDEE, you need to know your body weight, body fat%, age, gender, height, and daily activity level. Fill out this information, and the TDEE calculator will show you the accurate numbers.

What is TDEE? 

TDEE estimates how many calories a person burns in a day. Our body utilizes calories for every physical activity we do. There are plenty of free TDEE calculators available on google. [I used this one]

Making a high-protein diet plan for muscle gain is no big deal if you have a basic understanding of nutrition, your TDEE, high-protein foods, and how to manage overall macros.

  • To Gain Muscles/ weight = +200kcal of your TDEE (Calorie surplus)
  • To lose fat/weight = -200kcal of your TDEE (Calorie Deficit) 

Note– We will make a diet plan for a 25-year-old (Male), weight 60kg, height 176cm, and bf% is 20. who wants to build/gain lean muscles. To build lean muscle mass, you must follow a calorie-surplus diet.

He’s someone who works out every day for 70 to 80 mins. The total calculated TDEE is 2400 (Using the online TDEE calculator), so to gain muscle mass, this person must eat around 2600 calories/per day.

Since he wants to gain muscle, eating a high amount of carbs and protein is essential. Carbs give you the energy to work out, and protein builds your muscles.

  • Total calories to consume (daily) = 2600
  • Total carbs= 330gm
  • Total Protein = 180gm
  • Total fat = 60gm

We will make a sample vegetarian high-protein diet plan. So that people who follow a specific type can follow the meals as per their choice.

2600kcal High Protein Vegetarian Diet Plan

Meal1 (Breakfast) 

Egg Omelette and Oats Smoothie

  • For Omelette [Egg Whites(4) + Whole Eggs(2)]
  • For Smoothie [Oats(50gm)+ Milk(100ml)+ Banana(1)+ One Scoop Whey Protein]

Egg white is a high-quality protein source, and we use oats, egg yolk, and milk for carbs and fats. That is how you make a balanced diet, and a balanced diet has the right amount of carbs, protein, and fat.


  • Protein = 50-55gm
  • Carbs = 70-75gm
  • Fat = 10-15gm
  • Calories = 800-850kcal

This meal is a high-protein, easy, and quick breakfast. Hardly take more than 10 mins to prepare.

Meal 2  (Lunch)

Rice, Lentil, and soya chunks

Rice(80gm) + lentils (100gm) + Soyachunks (80gm)+ Butter (10gms)


  • Protein = 60-65gm
  • Carbs = 85-90gm
  • Fat = 10-15gm
  • Calories = 750-800kcal

As I mentioned earlier, soya chunks and lentils are high protein sources for vegetarians. Here we use cooked lentils mixed with soya chunks with cooked rice to make a complete protein. I like to keep lunch heavy in carbs and protein at the second number.

People who follow a non-vegetarian diet can use chicken breasts as a high-protein food. 

Read: Whey Isolate vs Concentrate – Only Article You Need To Read [2024]

Meal 3 (Pre-Workout)

Chickpeas and Yogurt

  • Boiled Chickpeas (1cup)
  • Yogurt (100gm)
  • Black Pepper, Salt (for taste)


  • Protein = 20g
  • Carbs = 50gm
  • Fat = 6gm
  • Calories = 335kcal

Since it’s us before a workout or pre-workout meal, I kept it high in carbs, moderate in protein, and low in fat. Chickpeas are a good source of carbs and fiber. Carbs are your primary source of fuel, and it gives you the energy to perform intense physical activity.   

Personally, I like this meal very much. It tastes good and is super easy to make as well.

Meal 4 (Dinner) 

Cottage Cheese + Bread (Roti)

  • Cottage cheese (200gm)
  • Chapati Bread(wheat flour 100gm)
  • Salad


  • Protein = 40gm
  • Carbs = 50-60gm
  • Fat = 35-40gm
  • Calories = 670kcal

The last meal is high in protein, fat, and moderates in carbs since the cottage is a primary high protein source of casein protein, which will nourish your body for longer times.

Just like a whey protein powder supplement, Cottage cheese is also a by-product of milk. It is a high protein low carb food, and It is a widely popular high protein food among vegetarians.

1-Day High Protein Meal Plan Macros 

  • Total Calories = 2590-2620
  • Total Protein = 170-180gms
  • Total Carbs = 300-310gm
  • Total Fat = 60-70gms

You see how I made this calorie surplus meal plan to gain extra pounds of muscle. You don’t have to for an expensive mass gainer or some other fancy supplement; you can get all your protein from the foods alone.

To gain muscle mass, you need to follow

  1. A protein-rich calorie surplus diet
  2. Weight training( at least 6hours/week)
  3. Rest/ Recovery (7-8 hours daily)

Since the TDEE was 2400, my total calorie intake is 2650kcal. It’s best if you set a goal of 3kg per month, and it’s neither too high nor too low. Muscle gaining is a time-consuming process, and it requires patience to achieve.

I hope this blog post gave you an idea of diet management and how you can combine different high-protein foods to make a high-protein meal plan without spending too much money on supplements.

How to Make A High Protein Diet Plan: FAQs

Does a High Protein Diet Make You Lose Weight?

This is a subjective question. To lose weight, you need to follow a calorie-deficit balanced diet. If you eat a high protein calorie surplus diet, you will not lose weight. Yes, protein keeps you fuller, and you avoid overeating if your diet is high In protein.

What Foods Are High in Protein?

For non-vegetarians, there are chicken, eggs, fish, red meat, and high-protein foods, and for vegetarians and vegans, there are soya chunks, tofu, chickpeas, lentils, cheese, yogurt, and milk some of the high-protein food sources.

What Is A High Protein Breakfast?

A high-protein breakfast has almost 30% of your daily protein requirements. Suppose your daily protein requirement is 100gm so that a high-protein breakfast will have at least 30gm of protein. For this blog post, I shared a breakfast idea where you get 50 grams of protein.

Does Fat Burner Make You Lose Fat?

Your diet is your real fat burner. Supplements companies have been marketing such products for decades. I have never used these products, and I don’t recommend fat burners to anyone. 


Everything I share on this blog is meant to be informative only. I am not asking you to follow the exact meal plan. Diet plans vary from person to person, and it depends on several factors; it’s not right that one particular diet plan will work for everyone.

If you have any medical condition, I highly recommend consulting your doctor first. Blindly following any diet plans may result in health complications I am not responsible for.

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