How to Pick The Best Protein Powder at Supermarket? [2024] - CaronWhaley

How to Pick The Best Protein Powder at Supermarket? [2024]

If you go to any supermarket like Costco, GNC, or Walmart, there are hundreds of protein powders brands; amid all these products, which one is best for you?

If you are a beginner and never have used any protein powder supplement before, this blog post will help you pick the best protein powder at the supermarket. 

If you are new to supplements and have never used any protein powder before, have a thorough read of this blog post, it will give you a basic understanding of quality protein powder supplements.

There are mainly four protein powder supplements: whey protein, casein protein, plant-based protein or vegan protein powder, and egg protein powder. There may be other protein powders, but these four are the most sold protein powder.

Among all these protein powders, whey protein dominates the supplement market, and it is the most sold protein supplement worldwide. Whey protein is a fast-digesting high-quality protein powder. 

Now, the question comes is how do I pick one product among these hundreds of protein powder supplements? I’ll share my process of selecting a protein powder.

Things To Check Before Buying Best Protein Powder at Supermarket

When it comes to buying a protein powder supplement, There are five main things you should keep in mind and check these properties.

  1. Ingredients
  2. Protein Bioavailability
  3. Amino Acid Profiling
  4. Use of thickeners, sweeteners, artificial flavors
  5. Check Product Authenticity

In my opinion, these five key points are the key to examining a protein powder at supermarkets. If you spend little time understanding the protein powder-making process and its science, it will be easier for you to pick the best protein powder at the supermarket.

  1. Ingredients

Yes, ingredients are what make a protein supplement usable. If the ingredients are average, ordinary, there is no way that particular protein powder will benefit you for maximum growth.

For example, whey protein raw is the essential ingredient for a whey protein isolate supplement. Many brands use whey protein concentrate for whey isolate, which doesn’t reach the quality/effectiveness as a whey protein supplement with whey isolate as a raw ingredient.

So, whenever you go shopping for your protein powder supplement, try to read the protein source Ingredients. If you want a protein powder with minimal carbs, fat, or artificial sugar, look for whey isolate or hydrolyzed as a protein ingredient.

Read: How To Make A High Protein Diet Plan by Yourself? [2024]

2. Protein Bioavailability

Protein Bioavailability
Protein Bioavailability

Protein bioavailability refers to protein amount per serving. How much Protein you are getting in one serving is considered protein bioavailability.

How to calculate the protein bioavailability? 

= Protein in one serving/serving size*100

To calculate protein bioavailability, all you got to do is multiply the protein amount per serving by 100 and then divide it with the serving size of one scoop.

Example: One Scoop of 27 gms of First Phorm Post Workout Protein “Phormula-1 has 20gms of Protein.

So Bioavailability of Protein

= 20/27*100

= 74.07%

A protein powder supplement at the supermarket will be considered fantastic if it has more than 70% protein bioavailability. Always go for more than 70% bioavailability.

If you are following a rigorous diet/meal plan and want a protein powder that doesn’t compromise with your calorie goal and at the same time you get quality protein, you should go for low-calorie protein powders like New Zealand whey protein.

3. Amino Acid Profile

Amino Acid Profiling

There are a total of 20 amino acids that makes a complete protein. To make a protein powder complete Protein, one protein supplement must have twenty non-essential and essential amino acids.

Most of the brands mention amino acid profiles on the supplement label, so next time you visit the supermart to buy a protein powder, check if all the twenty amino acids are mentioned on the label or not.

4. Use of thickeners, sweeteners, artificial flavors

Use of Thickeners Sweeteners

If you have allergies to artificial flavors, sweeteners, or thickeners, you must check for these ingredients before anything else. Many protein powder brands heavily use artificial flavors, sweeteners like sucralose, acesulfame potassium, etc.

In that case, you must avoid these protein powders at all costs. Instead of these, you can use protein powders with natural sweetening ingredients like stevia, etc. 

Supplement companies use thickeners like xanthan gum, guar gum to improve the mixability of protein powder. It’s true that thickeners improve the mixability of protein powder and make it versatile to use. You can use protein powder with shakes, food, smoothies, or any way you want.

However, Overuse of thickeners can lead to allergies and several problems like stomach gas, bloating, abdominal pain, etc. [Read More]

If you have a sensitive stomach, it’s best to consult with a doctor before using any protein powder that has multiple thickening agents.

5. Product Authenticity

Product Authenticity

Last but not least, product authenticity. Although it’s tough for someone to cheat with fake products, precaution is the best solution. When buying a protein powder, look for proper packaging; if the label seems broken, not packed well, avoid that supplement at all cost.

Best Protein Powder Buying Guide Conclusion  

That’s all I wanted to share; This is what I look for in a protein powder at a supermarket. Of course, there are other factors like price, flavors, but these five factors are the most important for quality protein powder.

In the end, I would like to say that, A supplement isn’t a guarantee for a fabulous physique, and a supplement is there to supplement something, and in our case, it’s our diet/meals/food we eat.

No matter how expensive your protein powder supplement is, you must eat a healthy balanced diet, consistent workout, and proper recovery to get maximum results from the best protein powder supplement you pick at the supermarket.

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