Everything About Red Science Nutrition Whey Protein in 5 Min [2024] - CaronWhaley

Everything About Red Science Nutrition Whey Protein in 5 Min [2024]

Are you looking for the best whey protein powder for under 2000 rupees in India?

What are the best options for a good protein powder in 2023 India?

Well, don’t worry. I bring you one of the Indian brands that offer quality whey at reasonable pricing.

In a nutshell, Red Science’s full-stack whey protein powder, under rupees 2000, offers five grams of BCAAs, ashwagandha, creatine, beta-alanine, L-citrulline, etc. in a single serving. 

The protein powder supplement industry has been growing in India for the last five or six years. Many companies and nutrition brands are coming up with unique and high-quality protein nutritional supplements almost every year.

We review all the popular, top-rated, new upcoming protein supplements in the market on this blog. Our motto is to provide informational product reviews to our readers.

Today we will review one such upcoming product called “Red Science Whey Protein” Powder Supplement.

Red Science Full Stack Whey Protein [Quick Review]


Highlights (Per Serving)

Average Ratings

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Red Science Full Stack Whey Review
  • 24 gm Protein

  • 5 gm BCAA

  • 2gms Creatin

  • Great Mixability

  • Tasty

  • Ashwagandha

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As proposed by the official manufacturer company “NHPL (Nutrimed Healthcare Private Limited),” Red Science Nutrition Whey is arguably the world’s first full-stack whey protein supplement.

Nutrimed sells many more supplements like mass gainer, creatine monohydrate, whey protein powder, pre-workout, etc.   

The majority of people use foreign imported supplements because there are not many “Indian Brands” that provide you with a fair and quality product in a decent price range.

This is one reason why we are seeing more and more brands popping up in the supplements market every year.

Red Science Nutrition Full Stack Whey Protein Review [In-Depth Review]

Red Science Full Stack Whey Review

Red Science Full Stack Ingredients & Nutritional Information:- 

The ingredient list includes

  • Ultra-filtered whey protein concentrate,
  • Micronized creatine
  • Beta-alanine
  • L-Citrulline
  • Ashwagandha extract
  • Guar gum(extracted from guar beans)
  • Sucralose
  • Cocoa
  • Digestive enzymes
  • Vitamins and minerals etc.

Wait, What is ultra-filtered Whey protein?

There are four methods protein supplement manufacturers use for the filtration of the supplement. These four methods include Ultrafilter, Microfilter, Cross filter, and Ion exchange.

Three of these four filtration methods are pure natural processes except for one ion exchange. It’s a good sign that Red Science Nutrition whey is organic and naturally processed whey protein.

Red Science Nutrition has said that this is the world’s first full-stack whey protein. One serving of red science whey protein provides

  • Whey Protein
  • Creatine
  • Ashwagandha
  • BCAA
  • Glutamine
  • Citrulline
  • Beta-Alanine

Let’s talk about these ingredients.

Micronized Creatine:-

Creatine is the most researched nutritional supplement in the health/fitness industry. It’s not a steroid or illegal substance. Creatine helps in gaining strength in your heavyweight or hardcore workout. 

Creatine helps to produce more energy by improving the storage of creatine phosphate. As a result, your body has more power, and the more energy your body produces, you’ll lift better in the gym.

Naturally, it is found in eggs and meat But significantly less in quantity. You can use three to five grams of creatine with your protein daily, that’s more than enough.

One serving of red science nutrition whey protein provides 2 grams of creatine; to get five grams of creatine; you have to consume two and a half servings of this whey protein.


Beta-alanine is a non-essential amino acid that is produced naturally in the body. 

Beta-alanine aids in the production of carnosine, which buffers those hydrogen ions in your body. As a result, your performance increases.

The daily recommendation of beta-alanine is 6 grams, and the red science whey protein has only 1 gram per serving.


It’s a non-essential amino acid. Our kidneys change L-citrulline into another amino acid called L-arginine and nitric oxide. These compounds boost your immune system, and it’s vital to your heart and blood vessel health. 

It gives your blood vessels the right pump and improves the blood flow overall.

The daily recommendation of l-citrulline is 6 grams, and the red science nutrition whey protein has only 1 gram per serving.

Ashwagandha Extract:-

Ashwagandha is an excellent natural herb to reduce the stress level in your mind and body. It rejuvenates your body and mind in such a way that the stress hormone “Cortisol” can be diminished, and your body produces more testosterone.  

There are many beliefs about ashwagandha. Some people believe that it boosts your testosterone level and some don’t.

In the end, we all can agree that if you are following a balanced meal plan, exercising regularly, and taking enough rest every day. Your body will produce testosterone naturally.

Red Science Full Stack Whey Protein Bioavailability

Bioavailability of protein refers to the amount of protein per serving.

Let’s analyze one serving of red science nutrition whey protein (Chocolate Hazelnut flavor). One serving(40 grams) of red science whey protein provides:- 


  • Calories = 162
  • Protein = 24 gm
  • Carbohydrates = 3 gm
  • Sugar = 1.5 gm
  • Fat = 1.8 gm

Total bioavailability of protein = 24/40*100

= 60%

Other Nutrients (per serving):-

  • BCAA = 5.5 gms
  • Creatine = 2 gms
  • Citrulline = 1 gm
  • Beta-Alanine = 1 gm
  • Glutamine = 4.8 gms
  • Ashwagandha = 300 mg

Sixty percent of protein bioavailability is decent. However, many whey protein powder supplements are available in the market, which provide you bioavailability of protein of more than seventy-five percent.

Twenty-four grams of whey protein at a hundred and sixty-two calories is average. One of the reasons can be the number of carbs and fat. Approximately thirty calories from carbs and fat contribute to the overall calorie count.

I would rate the protein bioavailability of red science nutrition whey around seven out of ten.

Rating = 7/10

This protein supplement also has 1.8 grams of fat, including saturated fat (0.64) and trans fat(0.06 gm).

Many nutritional ingredients and amino acid profiles make Red Science Nutrition whey protein the world’s first full-stack whey protein.

Read: GHOST Vegan Protein Review (Only Review You Need To Read) [2024]

Red Science Full Stack Whey Mixability 

Mixability is one essential and crucial aspect of protein powder supplements. If a supplement doesn’t mix well with anything, it will be hard to use.

No matter how good its taste and protein ingredients are, you will find it hard to use with anything. The mixability of red science nutrition is pretty good. It mixes well with water or milk. You will not find any clumps.

Put a scoop of protein powder in a shaker, add some water, and shake for thirty seconds. Your protein shake is ready.

I am impressed with red science whey protein’s mixability; it is as good as any top-rated whey protein powder supplement available on the market. I would rate it around nine out of ten. 

Rating = 9/10

Red Science Full Stack Whey Flavours & Taste

The taste of red science full-stack whey protein is quite sweet but not too much. This is because of the 1.5 grams of sugar available in a serving.

The flavor is one reason why we all love to use different protein powder supplements. Unfortunately, red science nutrition whey protein comes only in one flavor called “Chocolate Hazelnut.”

It is the one thing I would request the company to work on and manufacture protein supplements in multiple flavors.

Why do we need to use supplements for protein nourishment? 

Supplement means; supplement to something. Protein supplements are those nutritious foods that provide you with additional high-quality protein at a low-calorie count.

Protein is the building block of amino acids, and it’s an essential food for the human body. It nourishes our muscles, bones, skin, hair, or virtually every other part of the human body.

There are more than twenty amino acids that together make a complete protein. These twenty proteins include essential and non-essential amino acids.

Our body absorbs the essential protein from the food we eat. Food like eggs, chickpeas, and tofu are good sources of protein. All these foods provide you with protein along with carbohydrates and fats.  

Lack of protein can lead to severe diseases like:-

  • Loss of muscles
  • Risk of Bone Fractures
  • Fatty Liver
  • Hair loss
  • Fatigue regularly
  • Edema and various skin diseases

How Much Protein, Does A person, Needs in A Day?

Protein is an essential macronutrient for your body. It doesn’t matter if you’re an athlete or a bodybuilder, or a lazy person. It would be best if you had protein for your daily activity.

A regular person would require protein equal to his/her body weight for bare minimum body maintenance.

For example,- A regular person of 70kg would need 70 grams of protein daily.

If your goal is to build muscles, you should have protein more than 1.5 to 2 times your body weight. 

Protein powder supplements are an easy option to full fill your daily protein requirement in an easy way.

Protein supplements come in various varieties in the market. You can find whey protein powder, casein protein powder, egg protein, vegan protein powder, protein bars, protein shakes, etc.

All these supplements are high-quality sources of protein.

How Many Protein Shakes in a Day?

It depends on your daily calorie target.

If you are following a calorie-surplus diet plan, you can use up to three scoops a day. A surplus diet is something where you can eat 200-300 calories in surplus so that you can put on some extra muscles.

One scoop of red science nutrition whey protein has 162 calories. So three servings would be around 486 calories.

So don’t get confused. Just calculate your daily macro requirement and add protein according to that.

Red Science Full Stack Whey Price

The two lbs(908 grams) red science nutrition full-stack whey protein price is 1600 rupees. It has twenty-three servings which means per serving it will cost you around 70 rupees. The price isn’t bad.  

As an Indian brand, they did an excellent job of keeping the price at a decent level. If you compare this to any foreign protein powder brand, Red Science whey protein is much cheaper compared.

Most of the foreign protein brands will cost you more than 2000 for a one-kilogram of whey protein. This price includes customs charges, transportation charges, etc.

That’s why these supplements are expensive compared to Indian brands.

Best Time to Use Red Science Full Stack Whey?

Protein supplements are known for breakfast, after a workout, and before bedtime, But this supplement is a little different. Three nutrients like Creatine, Citrulline, and Beta-Alanine make it a great pre-workout drink as well.

In the end, it comes to your personal choice whether you like to use protein supplements as a pre-workout or not. You can use red science nutrition whey protein anytime you want. I would love to use it for breakfast and after a workout session.

Where can you buy Red Science Full Stack Whey Protein?

There are two genuine and authenticated places to buy this supplement. If you want to buy online using a website you can buy from the official website of the distributor “Pigi”.

You can buy this protein supplement on Amazon as well. Amazon regularly offers discount deals and discount packages.  Here is a red science nutrition full-stack amazon link.

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Red Science Nutrition Whey Protein: FAQ

We have discussed almost everything about this supplement, and you should have a good understanding of red science nutrition and whey protein.

  1. Can I use Red Science Whey Protein for Fat Loss?

    Yes, You can use this protein supplement for fat loss. It doesn’t matter whether you use it for muscle gain or fat loss; protein supplements are a reliable source of high-quality protein at a low-calorie count.

    For fat loss, you have to follow three things,
    – A calorie deficit diet
    – Regular Workout
    – Proper Rest (7-8 hours of sleep daily)

  2. Can I drink whey protein without exercise?

    Yes. Every person needs protein regularly. Whether you exercise or not, you need protein for your daily activity; otherwise, your body faces several issues due to a low-protein diet.

  3. Can we take whey protein at night?

    Yes, you can take any time you want. You can use it with milk as a before-bed meal. Just make sure you are not taking too much quantity of the protein supplement.

    Count your calories only, then follow your macros consumption according to the calories.

  4. Does Whey Protein Powder Harm Your Kidney?

    No. There is not enough evidence available that prove that whey protein powder supplement damages your kidneys.

    As long as your protein supplement is genuine, and not a fake product, you don’t have to worry about its kidney effects. Whey protein is just a milk byproduct.

Red Science Full Stack Whey Review Conclusion 

So it was my honest review and analysis of the red science whey protein supplement.

It’s a good whey protein powder in India under 2000 rupees. The supplement manufacturer company NHPL (Nutrimed Healthcare Private Limited) did a commendable job.

We discussed the ingredients, nutritional information, amino acid profile, protein bioavailability, how can you use this supplement, and how much protein you need in a day. We have discussed all these topics.

With great mixability and a great nutritional stack, the red science whey protein supplement is unique and different from the rest of the protein powder supplements. It proves the company’s claim to be the world’s first full-stack whey protein product. 

If you still have some doubts about red science nutrition whey, you can ask me in the comment section. I’ll be happy to answer them all.

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